Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday Salon: Friday's Child

The Sunday

I've decided to join The Sunday Salon! Hope it'll encourage and motivate me to read more on Sundays when I'm more inclined to spend the day sleeping or just wasting time online. I'm currently reading Friday's Child by Georgette Heyer, a review copy sent to me by Sourcebooks. I love Sourcebooks! They send me fabulous books for me to review.

Okay, right now I'm at Chapter 13 of Friday's Child. It's been a slow read for me but I'm trying. This is my first Georgette Heyer book and I'm not liking it so far. I hope that as I read, the story will get more interesting but I doubt it.

I think Hero doesn't really have a mind of her own and she only wants to please her husband, Sherry all the time. She married him so that she can escape being a governess and being looked down on. Well, she's quite a pleasant character and gets along with almost everybody.

I guess I'll go back to the book now. Will post updates after I've read a few more chapters.


  1. I've never heard of Sourcebooks, how did you come upon them?

    And welcome to the Sunday Salon!

  2. Welcome to the Salon!

  3. Welcome to Sunday Salon! I like Sourcebooks, too. I have a new catalogue coming from them and can't wait to browse through it!

  4. I'm new to the Sunday Salon this week as well, I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts!

  5. Hello Josette, pleased to 'meet' you. I think you're right about Georgette Heyer. I don't think she'd be my sort of writer either.

  6. thekoolaidmom: I've never heard of them too until one of their publicists sent me an email asking me to review a book. :) Thanks! I enjoyed doing the Sunday Salon.

    smallworld reads: Hi! Thanks! :)

    dewey: Thanks! Ooh, that's great! You're in for more wonderful books from Sourcebooks.

    ruth: Hey Ruth, I'm glad I joined SS too! I'm looking forward to your posts too. :)

    clare dudman: Hi Clare! LOL! Well, I'm not really a fan of romance anyway but I'm giving the book a try.


Your comments are appreciated. Let me know you stopped by! :)

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