Since I read The Star (my family's been buying this newspaper for as long as I can remember), I will take out the StarTwo section first. I find StarTwo more fun than the main section, don't you think so too? Usually, the main section is the last I'll look at. But if there's some hot topic going on or if the headlines stirred me up, then it's the main section first.
I guess I read the whole paper except for the Business section. Reading the whole newspaper can take hours. Therefore, when a lecturer said that reading a newspaper only takes up 20 minutes, I raised my eyebrows, looking at him/her incredulously. Well, maybe he/she meant reading the main section only, who knows?
I particularly enjoy reading the comics and sometimes my horoscope though I don't really believe what the 'stars' said. Once my stars said that I was going to receive a letter from overseas. Well, there wasn't even a letter that day. I'm not sure if the postman even came or not.
Oh, another section I like appears on Fridays. That'd be the Reading Room section. Now the writer for that section is Daphne Lee and when she introduces young adult books, I'm delighted.
Lastly, the one section that I never miss everyday: the TV Guide. :D
Follow Me to Africa by Penny Haw #bookreview
6 hours ago
Definitely the Star Two also. My family also buys it for as long as I remember. Then I make my way to the comics, and then the World News before the main section. i will be trying to read the business news soon. Gotta know a bit about it!!
Hi enchanter, wow(!), good for you for wanting to tackle the business section! You'll be reading the WHOLE paper then. :D