Thursday, June 26, 2008

I'm Joining July Book Blowout!

Interested in joining yet another challenge? Well, this July Book Blowout is pretty simple, actually. It's being hosted by Mrs. S of Blue Archipelago. The goal is to read as many books as possible from:

July 1, 2008 ---> July 31, 2008.

Before August 7, 2008, you post the list of books that you've read. :D Extremely simple, right?

I think I'll read 5 books. Next month, classes are starting and I have to return to uni, so it'll be quite a busy month for me. Nevertheless, I'll *try* to read as much as I can!

For more details, just click on the link above. Have fun reading!


Your comments are appreciated. Let me know you stopped by! :)

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