Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Huge TBR Readathon

Hosted by Bookworming in the 21st Century
June 14, 2010 ---> June 20, 2010 - midnight!
What to do? Read, read read.

Okay, so I saw this readathon yesterday, which was Monday but couldn't decide whether I was up for it. And today, I thought, what the heck. Let's go for it. Not sure how many books I can read but I'm gonna try my best!

Now reading: I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith


  1. Good luck! Even if it spurs people to pick up 1 book it's worth it!

  2. good luck dear!it's never too late ;p

  3. I Capture the Castle is one of my favorite books. I hope you're enjoying it!

  4. Good luck! I have too many library books to join in this time - will you be doing it again soon?

  5. Kate: Hi, if you have time this week, you could join in the fun! Just head on over to the host's blog. :)

    I'm on a holiday break now so I have all the time in the world for a readathon. :D Really, my TBR needs to be attacked.

  6. I really liked I Capture the Castle, hope you have fun reading this week!


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