In order to earn some extra pocket money, people would try absolutely anything including delving themselves in selling stuff online. Recently I’ve been slightly obsessed with visiting online stores and forums where people sell off all sorts of things even second-hand clothes! And people actually buy them! That’s even more surprising.
The other kinds of stuff that people sell are like used books, CDs, DVDs, jewellery, mobile phones, laptops, radios, cars, and many more things. It’s quite fun to browse through their items for sale and also observing what sells the most. Although some people sell off their used clothing at cheap prices, I’m still kind of wary about buying them.
Some people also take advantage of their own creativity and make things to sell like handmade bookmarks, greeting cards, cakes, and jewellery such as earrings and necklaces.
Week in Review #8
10 hours ago
i'm selling jersey online too. selling online is the easiest way to get customer especially if you have lots of visitors to your blog :)
ReplyDeleteWow cool, you have your very own online business! Hope you sell a lot of jerseys! Yeah, it'd be great if the blog had many visitors. More exposure and therefore, more chances of sales.