Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Check Out My Authors Page!

I've created an Authors A - Z page in my book review blog. That's where I list out the authors I've read in alphabetical order. I got the idea from Nymeth's and Maw Books Blog.

If readers want to find my review of books by a particular author, they can check out the Author A - Z page to see if I've read anything by the author yet. But there are only around 58 authors listed there! So not a really extensive list. It'll get longer as the days go by though. :)

Well, not much going on right now. I'm just starting The Sweet Far Thing by Libba Bray. I bought the book from Better World Books for only USD18. Quite a good price. Shipping was also only USD2.97 for international orders! Now it's already USD3.97... :(

Sigh, school starts next Monday, 3 days before Christmas!


There's a book giveaway over at Em's Bookshelf. Hurry! Leave a comment on her blog post before December 19, 2008 to enter.


  1. I love indexes! They make a blog so much easier to navigate. It took me some time to put mine together, but it was so worth it.

  2. nymeth: You're right! I like blogs with good navigation and yours certainly has it. :D Yeah, your list sure is quite long, must have taken you hours! And yes, it's definitely worth it. For you and for your readers!


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