I've got to go to school AGAIN to get more of my certificates' copies certified! I didn't know that I had to photocopy my other certs like leaving school ones, activity certs, competition certs, etc. My classmate even got her parents' birth certs certified! I mean, that's a little too much right??? Haha! I hope my parents' birth certs aren't needed cos I didn't photocopy them!
Yesterday, my sis drove me to JPJ to renew my license. To upgrade from a P (Percubaan) to a permanent driver's license. My father suggested to renew for 3 years. 3 years ma 3 years lah! Hehe...
However, when we got there, the computer system was OFFLINE. So, we had to wait for a quite a while. I could see other people looking bored, tired, or just plain frustrated! Can't blame them!
And my stupid second-hand Proton Tiara is giving 'alarming' problems. Each time we tried to start the car, the alarm goes off. Irritating-nya... Hope the mechanic will do something about it or just tell the right way to go about it!
Plus, I need to drive more with the Tiara so I'll get used to it, like what my mom and sis are always saying.
Ah....chooo....alamak! Sneezing non-stop now. Gotta go!
Follow Me to Africa by Penny Haw #bookreview
7 hours ago
i rmbr doing all that photocopying and getting it all stamped and signed by my teachers back in highschool.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on completing ur P license! :D
It was all quite a hassle, wasn't it??? And thank you!