Lucy from wrote to me and sort of introduced me to the website. It's motto is quite catchy, which is 'Compare Prices Before You Buy'.
This is what Lucy wrote in her e-mail. is a free service of finding the best price on books among the major online stores. Our real time engine can help you save as much as 80% from the retail price on new & used books,cds and dvds. We have introduce innovative features and tools like finding the best price of several books together, which might reduce the high shipping costs and save even more money. And now we are offering the new "RSS Price Watcher" that enables you to track the price of a specific book and with your own preferences (shipping to Asia, currency, condition, etc) using RSS feeds.
Well, you not only compare the prices of books sold at different online stores but you can also compare the prices of DVDs, CDs, and games.
I decided to try. So, I just typed in Twilight under 'Books' and clicked on 'Search'. If you want even more specific results, type in the book's ISBN. Then, choose the one you want and click on 'Compare Prices'. A very long list of stores will be shown on the screen. So, all you need to do next is check out the different prices offered. The cheapest price will be highlighted in green.
Have fun comparing prices then! That's part of the fun of shopping!
Week in Review #8
10 hours ago
whadaya know..I learnt something today. hmm booksprice... eh. :D Lucky i stumbled upon your blog.
ReplyDeleteHi bloomingtree, it's a pretty useful site, isn't it? I was glad they informed me about it.