Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009!

In Spanish, it is Feliz Año Nuevo!

This was the best graphic I could find online so please excuse the note/message from Trevor on the picture. He must have created this graphic to display on his blog too.

2008 must have been a tumultuous year with all your ups and downs, tears of joy and sadness, surprises that are both shocking and wonderful, etc. But here's to a whole new year, the year 2009! May your new year be as fruitful and productive as possible! Take care and don't get too drunk... :D


  1. Happy New Year! I hope it brings you everything you're hoping for :)

  2. Happy New Year to you, Josette! :)

  3. Nymeth: Thanks! Happy New Year to you too. :)

    Melody: Same to you! :)


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