Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I got me some new books!

Let's start from the bottom:

1. The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling
2. The Harmony Silk Factory by Tash Aw
3. The Fourth Estate by Jeffrey Archer
4. 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami
5. The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett
6. Catching the Sun by Tony Parsons

That was a good book haul, wasn't it? Bought them from Borders at Queensbay Mall yesterday. Got quite a pretty good deal, I think. They have this 'Buy 1, get 2nd at 50% off on the same stickered items, the least expensive book is discounted' promotion going on.

I had to choose proper-sounding titles as this would be off my company's book allowance. It was also important that I have the interest to read them! :)

How about you? Any good books that you've bought lately?


  1. Yay you! too bad I can't find such books on this part of the world xD Tell us what you think about "the casual vacancy" when you finish it ;)

  2. They look great! I have "The Casual Vacancy" on my eReader. "People" magazine gave it a great review but I'm hesitant- I mean, how could it ever compare to Harry Potter??

  3. Hi,
    I would love to read your review on The Fourth Estate..it's sound interesting to me ^_^

  4. Pillars of the Earth is such an amazing book!! Beware to be enchanted!!! =)

  5. You have a company book allowance? That's so awesome. You've made good use of it. Very nice selection of books :) Waiting to find out what you think of The Casual Vacancy. The reviews are pretty mixed

  6. I'll be interested to hear what you think of The Pillars of the Earth. It was an okay read for me but not thing I'd repeat :-)

  7. OMG which company do you work for? I want to join it too! Book allowance? In Malaysia? Also a Malaysian here lol


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